Totem Bear
Birth dates: August 22 - September 22
Birth Totem is: Bear
Clan of: Turtle (Earth Chief)
Wind is: South
Directional Totem is: Coyote
Conscious intent is: Discernment
Motive of Higher Self is: Soul`s Perfection
Plant/Flower: Violet
Discerning Careful Practical
Precise Kind
Birth Totem Black Bear is an individual whose outer personality is one of quiet observation.
As Birth Totem Black Bear moves through his/her daily life, there is a noticeable careful study of all he/she encounters and experiences. It is as though the intention is to sift and sort through all of the stimuli and input that the conscious mind encounters . . . to catagorize and label each person, action and event so that a greater understanding and assimilation can occur.
In the wild, Black Bear is an omnivore, yet their diet will consist primarily of vegetarian fare and larvae or grubs. To attain the morsels of squirming grub, the Bear must forage around beneath fallen logs and stones, sifting and sorting through the forest debris in order to be rewarded with the treats they so enjoy and that will provide the sustenance that will benefit their physical well-being.
Yet Birth Totem Bear will eventually realize that not everything can be understood with the ~physical senses~ alone, and the Individual Soul of another can never be neatly or completely labeled or categorized as it is dynamic and ever changing with that individuals evolvement. Until Black Bear can come to the awareness that life is ever-changing, and that to attempt to understand the process with the physical senses alone will inevitably (and invariably) lead to frustration, he/she will be stunting their own spiritual growth.
Just as Black Bear must rely upon her/his “higher senses” (intuition) in order to prepare for the lean months of winter and to alert him/her of impending threat, so must Birth Totem Bear learn to rely a little less upon “physical evidence” and more upon his/her inner voice and feelings. In this way, integration of Mind and Physical to that of the Emotions and Soul can take place leading to the Higher Intent of Black Bear’s incarnation . . . the Perfection of the Soul.
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