Totem Falcon
Birth dates: March 21 - April19
Birth Totem is: Falcon
Clan of: Hawk (Fire Chief)
Wind is: East
Directional Totem isL Eagle flying from the North-east
Conscious intent is: Leadership through example
Motive of Higher Self is: Obtain concrete Knowledge through embracing the winds of experience so that the Soul may soar ever higher.
Plant/Flower: Dandelion
Mineral: Opal
Birth Totem Falcon is one whose outer personality is full of movement as he flies through his daily existence seeking to forge the way ahead so that others may benefit from his ability to scout new territory.
Yet while the Falcon desires to lead, if she has not yet explored both the outer skies of her own personality (as won on the wings of experience), and integrated this Knowledge into the Life Path (as represented through her Power Totem), then she will not have the tools necessary for true leadership
Only by first thoroughly exploring her own territory, discovering the motivations behind her desire to lead and the thirst to blaze new trails, may she then have the sufficient strength to carry her further into unknown territory without causing harm to either her own inner psyche, or to lead Others into a hurricane of spiritual angst.
one with Birth Totem Falcon has integrated the Personality with the Life
Path (Soul Lesson/Power Totem) then the beauty of the falcon on the wing
is a glorious one to behold. She will rip through the sky as an arrow
speeding toward its target. His approach to his lessons will be as
though they are prey to be perceived, tackled and consumed so that the
lesson will not need to be repeated
ancient times, the falcon was the hunting companion to the aristocracy.
As such, these splendid creatures were treated with honor and respect for
their keen eyesight, speed of flight, and precision of movement.
Likewise, the individual with Falcon as their Birth Totem possesses the
ability to time their movements along their Life Path with grace and awareness,
resulting in a quickened integration with each Direction that is faced
along the Sacred Hoop of Life. This then brings them the requisite
experience to fashion the tail feathers of true Leadership, and thus satisfies
the Higher Self’s motivation.
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